NAVAIR Open Topic for Advanced Robotic Automation for Fleet Readiness Center Industrial Processes

Navy SBIR 23.4 - Open Topic N244-P01
NAVAIR - Naval Air Systems Command
Pre-release 6/13/24   Opens to accept proposals 8/1/24   Closed 9/4/24 12:00pm ET    [ View Q&A ]

N244-P01 TITLE: NAVAIR Open Topic for Advanced Robotic Automation for Fleet Readiness Center Industrial Processes

OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Trusted AI and Autonomy; Human-Machine Interfaces

OBJECTIVE: The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) is seeking proposals from small businesses to advance the automation of industrial processes within Fleet Readiness Centers (FRCs). The aim is to enhance efficiency, quality, safety, pollution prevention, and productivity through the integration of advanced robotic technologies.

DESCRIPTION: Fleet Readiness Centers (FRCs) play a critical role in sustaining naval aviation readiness. These centers are responsible for the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of naval aircraft and components. Automation has the potential to streamline these processes, remove workers from hazardous environments, provide new capabilities to overhaul sensitive substrates, improve productivity, reduce turnaround times, and enhance overall readiness. NAVAIR is committed to fostering innovation and enhancing the efficiency of Fleet Readiness Centers through advanced robotic automation, machine learning (ML), computer vision, and artificial intelligence (AI). The automation of industrial processes at Naval Fleet Readiness Centers that overhaul both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft is imperative to become more competitive and efficient. Automation will also aid to alleviate workers of repetitive or mundane tasks and can provide higher quality and precision only achieved with automation.

Technology areas of interest are below. Proposals should focus on or incorporate one or more of the following areas technology areas of interest. Please indicate the technology area of interest within the Abstract section of the Cover Sheet, Volume 1.

1. Advanced Robotic Systems Integration for Aircraft Maintenance and Repair: This area encompasses the integration of robotic or automated systems for various aircraft maintenance and repair tasks, including disassembly, non-destructive inspection, repair, composite fabrication, metal forming, grinding welding, reassembly, coating removal, surface preparation, and coating application (e.g., organic or inorganic). It involves the development and implementation of robotic solutions that are cost-effective, scalable, and suitable for deployment across diverse FRC environments. Additionally, it may involve the integration of AI, computer vision, or ML for autonomous decision-making to enhance efficiency and productivity.

2. Human-Robot Collaboration and Safety in Aviation MRO: This area focuses on ensuring worker well-being and productivity through effective human-robot collaboration and safety mechanisms in industrial processes. This includes the development of collaborative robots (cobots) to optimize workflow efficiency. Dexterity, versatility, payload capacity, and ease of use by the operator are critical design factors for implementation and safety systems to mitigate risks. It encompasses the development and implementation of ergonomic design considerations, as well as safety features and protocols to facilitate safe interaction between humans and robots for aircraft maintenance and repair operations.

3. Emerging Technologies for Autonomous Aviation Maintenance: This area explores the integration of emerging technologies, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computer vision, for autonomous decision-making in aviation maintenance processes. It involves leveraging AI and ML algorithms to analyze data, optimize maintenance schedules, optimize maintenance, predict equipment failures, and end of life, and automate decision-making processes. This includes but is not limited to the development of intelligent systems capable of autonomously assessing maintenance needs, prioritizing tasks, and optimizing resource allocation to improve overall maintenance efficiency and effectiveness.

PHASE I: The DoN is planning to issue multiple Phase I awards for this topic but reserves the right to issue no awards. Each Phase I proposal must include a Base and Option period of performance. The Phase I Base must have a period of performance of four (4) months at a cost not to exceed $75,000. The Phase I Option must have a period of performance of six (6) months at a cost not to exceed $100,000.

Phase I feasibility will describe the existing proposed technology, existing FRC industrial processes to improve, modifications required, anticipated improvements to existing capabilities, impacts to current logistics if any (i.e., transportation, storage, maintenance, safety, etc.) and transition approach to the FRC. Proposed solutions should address key challenges in aircraft maintenance, repair, component fabrication, inspection, and related activities. Features such as the ability to generate a digital twin, capture of process data, monitor machine health and remote operation are also desired. Results of Phase I will be detailed in a final technical report (Final Report).

Phase I deliverables include:

- Kick-Off Briefing, due 15 days from start of Base award

- Final Report, due 120 days from start of Base award

- Quad Chart, due 120 days from start of Base award

- Initial Phase II Proposal, due 120 days from start of Base award

PHASE II: All Phase I awardees may submit an Initial Phase II proposal for evaluation and selection. The evaluation criteria for Phase II are the same as Phase I (as stated in this BAA). The Phase I Final Report and Initial Phase II Proposal will be used to evaluate the small business concern’s potential to adapt commercial products to fill a capability gap, improve performance, or modernize an existing capability for DoN and transition the technology to Phase III. Details on the due date, content, and submission requirements of the Initial Phase II Proposal will be provided by the awarding SYSCOM either in the Phase I contract or by subsequent notification.

The scope of the Phase II effort will be specific to each project but is generally expected to harden, ruggedize, and/or marinize the technology for integration into an operational environment. The outcome to be a working prototype that can be tested and/or certified, including a fielding approach (including updated logistics and safety consideration) and further commercialization (non-DoD), if appropriate. They should also provide a simple innovative user interface to be used by a person with average technical skills.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Deploy advanced robotic automation solutions tailored to FRC industrial processes and provide logistics support.


  1. Chiacchio, Ferdinando, et al. "Advanced robotic solutions for assembly in industrial manufacturing: a review." Robotics 10.2 (2021): 49.
  2. Rathi, Rohit, et al. "Advanced robotic automation in manufacturing: a review." International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 108.5-6 (2020): 1951-1969.
  3. Pigni, Federico, et al. "Advanced robotic automation in industrial production: Challenges and opportunities." Procedia CIRP 102 (2021): 176-181.
  4. Caruso, Francesco, et al. "Robotic automation and industry 4.0: a systematic literature review on adoption, drivers, impacts and future perspectives." International Journal of Production Research 58.7 (2020): 2172-2199. \
  5. Bini, Enrico, et al. "Advanced robotics in smart manufacturing: A review on industrial 4.0 adoption in Italy." Journal of Manufacturing Systems 58 (2021): 405-423.
  6. Nof, Shimon Y., and Hongliang Ren. "Advanced industrial automation through automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and industrial robotics." Industrial Engineering 2.4 (2018): 160-170.
  7. Rosati, Gianluca, et al. "An advanced robotic solution for manufacturing in industry 4.0." Procedia CIRP 81 (2019): 729-734.
  8. Rajaram, Rajesh, et al. "Advanced robotic automation in manufacturing industry: current trends and future challenges." Journal of Manufacturing Processes 67 (2021): 454-469.
  9. De Carvalho, Miguel, et al. "Advanced robotics for industrial manufacturing: A review." Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 69 (2021): 102098.

KEYWORDS: Robotics; Automation; Artificial Intelligence; Manufacturing; Production; Inspection


The Navy Topic above is an "unofficial" copy from the Navy Topics in the DoD 24.4 SBIR BAA. Please see the official DoD Topic website at for any updates.

The DoD issued its Navy 24.4 Navy Open SBIR Topics pre-release on June 13, 2024 which opens to receive proposals on August 1, 2024, and closes September 4, 2024 (12:00pm ET).

Direct Contact with Topic Authors: During the pre-release period (June 13, 2024 through July 31, 2024) proposing firms have an opportunity to directly contact (by the listed email or phone) the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) to ask technical questions about the specific BAA topic only. Once DoD begins accepting proposals on August 1, 2024 no further direct contact between proposers and topic authors is allowed unless the Topic Author is responding to a question submitted during the Pre-release period.

DoD Topic Q&A System: Questions may also be posed via the DoD Topic Q&A System until August 21, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. However, to ask a question on the Q&A system you must be registered on the DoD's DSIP site at

In the DoD Topic Q&A System, the questioner and respondent remain anonymous but all questions and answers are posted for general viewing. Q&A results are available on a topic by topic basis here on the Navy SBIR site as well as the DoD Topic Search Tool at

Help: If you have general questions about the DoD SBIR program, please contact the DoD SBIR Help Desk via email at [email protected]

Topic Q & A

8/20/24  Q. What type of aircraft defects are you looking to detect during inspection and what accuracy are you looking for such detection system?
   A. We inspect for corrosion and we have 5 levels of corrosion, visual standards. For Nondestructive Testing for routine inspections, we look for cracks in steel, corrosion around fastener holes, composite damage and all of them have varying levels of detection needed.
8/8/24  Q. While the primary focus of the topic is on advancing the automation of industrial processes, could you please advise if a proposal centered on enabling these processes through robotic/automated supporting logistics would be considered within the scope of this topic?
   A. As long as the solution is applicable to the confines of our industrial operations, Fleet Readiness Centers, ie aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul operations.
8/6/24  Q. 1. What Machine Learning solutions have already been evaluated?
2. Our solution covers all 3 technology areas -- do we need to specify only one, and if so, does the Navy have additional guidance as to which?
   A. 1. None
2. that is acceptable to cover all 3 areas, point that out in the proposal and describe.
8/02/24  Q. We have a couple of questions regarding Team # 3 below:
  1. Could you expand on the desired capability of autonomously assessing maintenance needs? At what level do you see the system operating? What existing role would it support? What data sources would you reasonably expect the system to have access to when in operation?
  2. Could expand on the desired capability of prioritizing tasks, and optimizing resource allocation to improve overall maintenance efficiency and effectiveness? Is the target level for this solution MMCOs? What data sources would you reasonably expect the system to have access to when in operation?
  3. What current system integrations would the solution ideally provide in the future (e.g., PMAS, WISK, Flankspeed etc.)?
  4. Would a sample of non-sensitive Government Furnished Information (GFI) be made available for Phase I? This could help speed up system adaptation to DoD’s specific needs, even at low volumes if at all possible.
  1. This would entail some sort of machine health monitoring, and it would operate at the local maintenance department level, the data source can’t be disclosed at this time, but they would entail machine usage.

  2. The solutions sought apply to our main Aircraft Maintenance Repair and Overhaul facilities, not the squadron level. One goal would be how to better schedule our internal facilities maintenance personnel to perform on preventative maintenance on plant equipment, that would aid production control on workflow. It would have access to data sources for machine health monitoring, asset to workload and various other sources if they are deemed necessary to making significant improvements.

  3. NAVAIR seeks innovative technology solutions for a variety of platforms. We will consider all technologies that are submitted that can provide solutions to our problems.

  4. For the short period of time of Phase I, it would not be expected for that information to be made clear to be made available, but one could use a surrogate.
7/31/24  Q. Out of all of the “Coatings Removal & Surface Preparation” Actions which, in your experience, is:
  • The most commonly used / preferred by most FRCs
  • The most labor intensive (most willingness to automate) OR is there one that is most effective that is not currently more utilized BECAUSE it is too labor intensive?
  • The most dangerous to operate / requires the most PPE/safety restrictions/hazards.
Out of all of the “Inspection” Actions which, in your experience, is:
  • The most commonly used / preferred by most FRCs
  • The most labor intensive (most willingness to automate) OR is there one that is most effective that is not currently more utilized BECAUSE it is too labor intensive?
  • The most dangerous to operate / requires the most PPE/safety restrictions/hazards.
   A. The most commonly used / preferred by most FRCs
  • Abrasive blasting and chemical removal
The most labor intensive (most willingness to automate) OR is there one that is most effective that is not currently more utilized BECAUSE it is too labor intensive?
  • Abrasive blasting
The most dangerous to operate / requires the most PPE/safety restrictions/hazards.
  • Chemical paint removal
Most of the NDI inspections are labor intensive and require a person to be onsite. NAVAIR seeks innovative technology solutions for a variety of platforms. We will consider all technologies that are submitted that can provide solutions to our problems.
7/18/24  Q. Would the application of ML and computer vision to the inspection of ground support/launch and recovery equipment fall within the desired scope? The description mentions only aviation maintenance.
   A. The Topic: N244-P01 - NAVAIR Open Topic for Advanced Robotic Automation for Fleet Readiness Center Industrial Processes does not deal with Ground Support Equipment or Aviation Recovery Equipment. The call deals with our Aviation Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul facilities that work on rotary and fixed wing aircraft.
7/17/24  Q. Is the primary focus of this topic developing software solutions around manipulators? Or can a firm propose ideas around legged mobile platforms collaborating with humans to perform inspection?
   A. The primary focus is to make our Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul facilities more competitive through the use of automation, robotics, and software and or a combination of any of them. Yes, an autonomous platform that could work around humans to perform inspections would apply.
7/15/24  Q. What technology readiness level is desired for the proposed technology? Our company is developing an automated inspection system that is between a TRL of 3 and 4. Thank you.
   A. There is no TRL/MRL requirement. These Open Topics intend to solicit proposals to adapt existing commercial products to fill capability gaps, improve performance, or modernize existing capability. Regardless of the TRL/MRL, the objective of the Phase I is to address the questions the research and development effort will try to answer to determine the feasibility of the proposed approach.
06/26/24  Q. Can you please clarify the work and deliverables that are expected during the OPTION period of performance, if selected? Is there a any prototype development that occurs during the OPTION? We are trying to understand the difference between the BASE and OPTION period work, and how the OPTION feeds into the Phase II and works together with what is proposed under the BASE. We understand that the OPTION is awarded only if selected for Phase II, so we would like to better understand what the OPTION entails.
   A. The Navy SBIR 24.4 instruction indicates contract deliverables for Open Topic Phase I Option, if exercised, will be an Option period kick-off brief, progress reports, and a final report. The tasks of the Phase I Option further the effort in preparation for Phase II and will bridge the funding gap between the end of Phase I and the start of Phase II. No prototype development is expected in Phase I. It is solely the culmination of the work in Phase I.
6/13/24  Q. Would an improved visual interface for human / machine teaming, including camera hardware / VR interface for remote maintenance and inspection be of interest for this topic?
   A. Yes, as long as it had software to accompany the VR hardware to improve the MRO Production processes.

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