Intelligent Additive Manufacturing - Metals
Navy STTR 2020.A - Topic N20A-T018 ONR - Mr. Steve Sullivan [email protected] Opens: January 14, 2020 - Closes: February 26, 2020 (8:00 PM ET)
Electronics, Information Systems, Materials/Processes ACQUISITION PROGRAM:
"Quality Metal Additive Manufacturing" FNC OBJECTIVE: To better
distribute, monitor, and control the processing energy in a laser metal powder
bed fusion additive manufacturing (AM) system by incorporating artificial
intelligence (AI) technologies (machine learning (ML), deep neural networks,
neuromorphic processing or others) for purposes of real-time process monitoring
and control towards producing high-quality, defect-free AM parts with build
periods comparable to or shorter than present ones. DESCRIPTION: Despite the
continued progress in AM technologies, AM parts still require several trial and
error runs with post-processing treatments and machining to optimize the build,
reduce defects and residual stresses, and meet tolerances. AM still lacks a
stable process that can produce consistent, defect-free parts on a first time
basis due to our inability to reliably predict the optimal trajectory in the
multidimensional process parameter space due to the inherent spatiotemporal
variability in the process parameter and the chaotic nature of the AM process. PHASE I: Define, design
and develop a concept for an intelligent AM (IAM) system for laser metal powder
bed fusion or modify a conventional one to make it intelligent.� The IAM system
design will include subsystems to: (1) distribute the laser energy over the
powder bed and provide a list of the control parameters; (2) monitor the response
of the powder bed and provide a list of the sensed parameters (temperature
being the main preferred monitored parameter); (3) generate auxiliary digital
training data and a list of the different physical measurands; and (4) link the
control parameters to the monitoring sensors values and auxiliary digital data
via an artificial intelligent processor for training and operation purposes.
Finally, the performer will start acquiring parts of the IAM system, developing
the software and graphical user interface (GUI) and will provide a validation
plan with a list of planned coupons and tests. Due to the limited funds
available in a Phase I STTR contract, the performer will limit the validation
tests to just those subsystems, coupons, and tests consistent with the
resources available. For the Phase I Option, the performer will continue
progress towards IAM system parts and refining the design of the system based
on validation test results. Develop a Phase II plan. PHASE II: Complete the
purchase of all the components necessary for the development of the IAM system
or for modification of a commercial one. Start assembling the unit and
developing the controls software and GUI. Perform validation tests after
completing all the training exercises required for the IAM system to learn how
to make quality coupons. To further validate the performance of the system,
identify a challenge part between the performer and the Navy team and
demonstrate that the IAM system can fabricate two of them, one for destructive
microstructural analysis and another for mechanical testing. The success
criteria consists in making coupons or parts with less defects or distortions
and/or better control of the microstructure than the same coupon or part made
by a state of the art AM platform but without AI. PHASE III DUAL USE
APPLICATIONS: Support the Navy in transitioning the IAM system for Navy use.
Working with the Navy, integrate the IAM system into a Navy platform for
evaluation to determine its effectiveness. Define the IAM system integration
strategy and test plan for qualification. REFERENCES: 1. Alhart, Todd.� �3D
Printing: Just Press Print: GE Is Building A 3D-Printing Vending Machine For
The Jetsons.�� GE Reports, Apr 10, 2017. 2. Zhua, Z., Anwer, N.,
Huang, Q., and Mathieu, L. �Machine learning in tolerancing for additive
manufacturing.� CIRP Annals, Vol 67, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 157-160.! 3. Scime, L. and Beuth,
J. �Anomaly detection and classification in a laser powder bed additive
manufacturing process using a trained computer vision algorithm.� Additive
Manufacturing, Vol 19, Jan 2018, pp. 114-126. 4. Scime, L. and Beuth,
J. �Using machine learning to identify in-situ melt pool signatures indicative
of flaw formation in a laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process.�
Additive Manufacturing, Vol 25, Jan 2019, pp. 151-165. 5. Zielinski, Peter
(ed). How Machine Learning Is Moving AM Beyond Trial and Error (Originally
titled 'Where AM Meets AI'). Additive Manufacturing.� 6. Hu, D. and
Kovacevic,R. �Sensing, modeling and control for laser-based additive manufacturing.�
International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43 (2003), pp. 51�60. 7. Everton, S.K., Hirsch,
M. Stravroulakis, P, Leach, R.K., and Clare, A.T. �Review of in-situ process
monitoring and in-situ metrology for metal additive manufacturing.� Materials
and Design, 95 (2016), pp. 431�445. 8. Spears, T.G. and
Gold, S.A. �In-process sensing in selective laser melting (SLM) additive
manufacturing.� Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 2016 (a
Springer Open Journal). DOI 10.1186/s40192-016-0045-4. KEYWORDS: Artificial
Intelligence; AI; Machine Learning; ML; Neural Networks; Additive
Manufacturing; Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion; Process Monitoring Sensors