Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) for UUV/USV Environmental Awareness
Navy STTR 2019.A - Topic N19A-T022 ONR - Mr. Steve Sullivan - [email protected] Opens: January 8, 2019 - Closes: February 6, 2019 (8:00 PM ET)
Battlespace, Information Systems ACQUISITION PROGRAM:
PEO-C4I/PWM-120 Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS); PMS-406; OBJECTIVE: Develop reduced
order modeling (ROM) techniques for geophysical fluid dynamics models that will
enable their use aboard unmanned platforms, including the ability to assimilate
local environmental data into the model state. Computational efficiency (low
power/memory) and the ability to provide estimates of the flow field to the
local platform control system are required. DESCRIPTION: The Navy
operates high-resolution (O(km)) environmental models to provide forecasts of
the operational environment to ensure safe and efficient maritime operations.
These prediction systems assimilate observations from both in situ and
space-based sensors and are run on High Performance Computing platforms. The
resulting data sets are large, and the relevant weather and ocean forecast
products must be transmitted to naval platforms for use. ROM methods are sought
that can predict the evolution of the maritime environment around a platform at
sea, incorporating in situ environmental observations to forecast the
four-dimensional ocean fields (i.e., temperature, salinity, and velocity
vectors) with sufficient fidelity to allow the platform to exploit the
information (e.g., optimal path planning or positioning within the water
column). PHASE I: Design and develop
ROM method(s) for prediction or reconstruction of oceanographic fields
appropriate for use by an in situ unmanned platform. Estimate the capabilities
of the proposed method(s). Determine the feasibility of the proposed method(s).
Develop a Phase II plan. PHASE II: Develop tools that
incorporate the output of the ROM solution into the autonomous control system
of the vehicle. Demonstrate the usage of the predicted environmental
information to inform the control algorithm. Integrate and test prototype ROM
tools onboard surrogate unmanned systems, which may include platforms operating
on or below the ocean surface. PHASE III DUAL USE
APPLICATIONS: Finalize and transition the ROM tool to platform developers to
test on U.S. Navy unmanned systems. This technology has the potential to
provide better situational awareness for unmanned platforms deployed at sea.
Other federal agencies and the ocean technology industry operate unmanned
systems that could make use of this capability. REFERENCES: 1. Majda, A.J. and Qi, D.
�New Strategies for Reduced-Order Models for Predicting the Statistical
Responses and Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Turbulent Dynamical
Systems.� SIAM Rev., 2017a. 2. Subramani, D.N., Wei,
Q.J., and Lermusiaux, P.F.J. �Stochastic Time-Optimal Path-Planning in
Uncertain, Strong, and Dynamic Flows.� Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering, 333, 218�237, 2018. 3. Feppon, F. and Lermusiaux,
P.F.J. �A Geometric Approach to Dynamical Model-Order Reduction.� SIAM Journal
on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2017. KEYWORDS: Reduced Order
Modeling; ROM; Ocean Modeling; Data Assimilation; Dynamical Systems; Unmanned
Underwater Vehicle; UUV; Unmanned Surface Vehicle; USV; Autonomy