High Throughput Testing of Additive Manufacturing
Navy STTR 2018.A - Topic N18A-T028 ONR - Mr. Steve Sullivan - [email protected] Opens: January 8, 2018 - Closes: February 7, 2018 (8:00 PM ET)
AREA(S): Materials/Processes ACQUISITION
PROGRAM: Enterprise Platform Enabler (EPE)-17-03 Quality Metal Additive
Manufacturing (Quality Made). OBJECTIVE:
Develop, optimize, and demonstrate use of high throughput mechanical testing at
key length scales to inform computational tools and rapidly determine effects
of defects for additive manufacturing (AM).� High throughput testing must focus
on static and dynamic material properties equivalent to conventional American
Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) tests. DESCRIPTION:
There have been significant advancements in computational modeling tools to
correlate and explore the interactions of microstructure and material
properties.� In order to validate these computational tools, static and dynamic
tests are used to provide statistically relevant mechanical properties across
the material composition and processing space.� In AM, this information is
necessary to inform computational tools being developed.� Conventional tensile
and fatigue tests are time-consuming to fabricate and test for the desired compositional
and process windows.� Similarly understanding the effects of defects in AM
requires testing at key length scales based on critical geometric features.�
New techniques for high throughput testing can inform computational models and
key acceptance criteria for non-destructive inspection. PHASE
I: Define and develop a concept/approach for high throughput testing of metal
AM to probe micro- and meso-scale features such as voids, porosity, and lack of
fusion.� Key features may be on the order of 50-100um and test specimen sizes
should be greater than 200um in thickness based on current MIL-STD-2035A
criteria.� The concept must provide a 10x throughput improvement over
conventional ASTM E8 and ASTM E466 tests.� This may include design or
adaptation of existing techniques or equipment to support testing materials
directly from a build plate and measurement of key load/displacements.� This
topic will also consider methods for preparing (or extracting) test coupons
with well characterized isolated defects for multi-length, scale model
development.� If awarded the Phase I option, the small business will
demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed concept/approach.� Develop a Phase
II plan. PHASE
II: Based on Phase I results, develop, demonstrate, and validate the proposed
high throughput test apparatus for tensile testing.� Rapid defect
characterization methods, before and after destructive mechanical testing,
should also be considered in specimen preparation and testing for testing
validation.� The apparatus will be investigated for use in fatigue testing.� It
is recommended that the performer work with bulk material vendors/Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to facilitate transition for Phase III. PHASE
III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III will transition optimized high throughput
testing techniques to commercial suppliers through bulk material vendors, OEMs,
or other partnering agreement(s).� Commercialization of this technology may be
through new material discovery or rapid process development.� Phase III will
demonstrate the technology to Warfare Centers and other DoD
production/maintenance facilities. REFERENCES: 1.
ASTM E8, Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials, https://www.astm.org/Standards/E8.htm 2.
ASTM E466, Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude
Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials, https://www.bsbedge.com/astm/astme466-standard 3.
MIL-STD-2035A, Department of Defense Test Method: Nondestructive Testing
Acceptance Criteria (15 May 1995), http://everyspec.com/MIL-STD/MIL-STD-2000-2999/MIL-STD-2035A_6636/ 4.
Slotwinski, John A., Garboczi, Edward J. and Hebenstreit, Keith M. �Porosity
Measurements and Analysis for Metal Additive Manufacturing Process Control.�
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Vol.
119 (2014), http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/jres/119/jres.119.019.pdf 5.
Lee, Jaewon.� �Failure Mechanism of Laser Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens of a
High Strength Low Alloy Steel.�� J. Pressure Vessel Technology 134(6), 061402
(Oct 18, 2012), http://pressurevesseltech.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=1661606 KEYWORDS:
Additive Manufacturing; High Throughput Testing; Tensile; Fatigue; Effects of
Defects; Non-destructive Inspection