Operational Sand and Particulate Sensor System for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines
Navy STTR 2018.A - Topic N18A-T023 ONR - Mr. Steve Sullivan - [email protected] Opens: January 8, 2018 - Closes: February 7, 2018 (8:00 PM ET)
AREA(S): Air Platform, Electronics, Sensors ACQUISITION
PROGRAM: Navy and USMC gas turbine aero-engines (e.g., T700, F414, F135, etc.)
and future aero-engine systems OBJECTIVE:
Develop an improved engine-mounted sensor system for detection, classification,
and characterization of inlet particles to gas turbine engines.� The sensor and
associated processing equipment should be compatible with aircraft size,
weight, and power (SWaP). DESCRIPTION:
Coarse sand to fine dusts, aerosol particulates, organic dirt, aerosol and
water-spray salts at low altitudes, uniquely volcanic ash generally at high
altitudes, and any similar natural minerology from global Naval littoral spaces
are currently ingested into Naval propulsion and power gas turbines in large
but unknown and variable amounts.� Significant internal accumulations are at
times seen in repair processing, occluding both hot-primary and
cooler-secondary flowpaths.� A Naval gas turbine may process up to one million
pounds of air during each two-hour sortie with instantaneously varying
contaminant levels.� As engines are operated to higher gas and component
surface temperatures, rapid accumulation of the combined dusts and salt may
generate molten fusions in turbine hot sections, especially when low melting
temperatures mixtures are ingested.� General examples of low melting
temperature mixtures have been coined �Calcia-Magnesia-Alumina-Silicate
(CMAS)�.� However, the inlet ingested natural minerals and salts are not so
simply defined.� Verified risks to flight operations due to ingested mixture
chemistries and kinetics of adhesion and sintering are forming thick deposits
of �CMAS�.� These and other large airborne particles can also erode compressors
and seals, and different unique mixture chemistries will clog turbine cooling
holes with and without sintering thermal reactions.� Further, corrosion from
salt and volcanic ash sulfates is another problem.� If melted-, or salt-fluxed
sintered-, dusts accumulate on turbine vanes and blades, it leads to
primary-flow blockage and notable rapid power loss events.� Protective coatings
throughout the engine can become damaged extensively and rapidly from erosion
and chemical reactions.� It is desired to create a flight-weight, low-volume,
engine-integrated sensor system that can measure instantaneously and trending
over full-engine life, the total mass, inlet loading rate, particle size
distribution, compositional melting point, and salt-fractions.� It will
contribute engine in-flight risk assessment to damaging events from volcanic
ash and low melting temperature mixtures.� The sensor will be capable of
reporting historical exposure rates and ingestion totals in all air-breathing
operating environments and altitudes. PHASE
I: Conduct interviews with industry and Naval experts in engine diagnostics and
safety of flight in dust or volcanic-ash laden environments.� Determine the
specific detailed design options and an initial set of requirements for an
operational aero-engine contaminant sensing system.� Select and evaluate the
feasibility of one or more key sensing functions of the concept design.�
Develop a product concept design showing how it is to be integrated on a
current and/or future fleet aircraft, including locations on engines and diagnostic
system interfaces.� Determine and justify needed measurement uncertainty
requirements for the various measurement characteristic options.� Identify
steps that will be taken in Phase II to meet the overall device specifications
within a specific application context including what attributes should be
included within any new context to improve either affordability, measurement
fidelity, or reliability. PHASE
II: Based upon the Phase I design, deliver a prototype of the operational sand
and particulate sensor system for aircraft gas turbine engines.� In a
contaminated flow rig or on a contaminated small turbine engine, demonstrate
that it delivers the required measurement characteristics, accuracies, and
uncertainties. PHASE
III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Dual-use application is possible to commercial
aircraft operating in volcanic regions and also austere events regions.� Ruggedize and mature the sand and particulate sensor
system for a specific application context of interest to a Navy acquisition
sponsor. �Consider methods to further improve affordability, measurement
fidelity, and/or reliability. REFERENCES: 1.
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and Dust)�. https://www.udri.udayton.edu/NonstructuralMaterials/Coatings/Pages/ParticleErosionTestFacility.aspx KEYWORDS:
Gas Turbine; Sand-dust Sensor; Particulate Sensor; Aerosol Salt; Airborne