Protocol Feature Identification and Removal
Navy STTR 2018.A - Topic N18A-T018 ONR - Mr. Steve Sullivan - [email protected] Opens: January 8, 2018 - Closes: February 7, 2018 (8:00 PM ET)
AREA(S): Information Systems ACQUISITION
PROGRAM: Total Platform Cyber Protection (TPCP) Innovative Naval Prototype
The goal of this research effort is to produce algorithms that can identify
features in a communications protocol and remove features identified by user
selection.� The focus of this thrust area is to develop a capability for
modifying standard protocols for reducing and altering the attack surface, and
to amplify anomalies. DESCRIPTION:
The Navy extensively leverages and adopts protocols and standards developed for
commercial and public sectors.� These standard, feature-rich protocols are
often implemented as a one-size-fits-all library and are generally deployed as
a whole.� It is extremely rare that an application or even a set of
applications within the computing system requires and invokes the entire
feature set supported by a standard protocol.� In most deployments, many
features are not needed and are never invoked by the application(s).� However,
these extraneous, unnecessary features are invoke-able by an external party and
represent an attack surface and risks that need not be incurred.� As an
illustration, most applications that use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
protocol do not require the heartbeat feature.� However, it is a standard
feature in a popular one-size-fits-all SSL library.� An implementation bug/flaw
for heartbeat opens the door for the heartbleed attack.� All computing systems
that used the popular standard SSL library became susceptible to the heartbleed
attack, whether or not their applications needed or invoked the heartbeat
feature.� Aside from vulnerabilities that were caused by implementation flaws
such as heartbeat, which are repairable, vulnerabilities may also be a result
of unintended/unanticipated use of a legitimate feature.� This type of
vulnerability is a result of a flaw in the protocol design itself and not the
implementation.� This type of vulnerability cannot easily be fixed without
changes in the essence of the protocol itself. PHASE
I: Develop a concept and methodology to associate protocol features to its
implementation/code within the protocol software and perform code
transformation to remove undesired features and replace them with safe
response.� Provide a limited proof-of-concept application to demonstrate the
viability of the approach for identifying and trimming protocol features.�
Develop a Phase II prototype plan. PHASE
II: Develop the prototype into a fully functioning software toolset for
identifying and tagging protocol features, allowing end users to selectively
remove unwanted features and their corresponding code.� Demonstrate and
evaluate the efficacy of the tools on protocols of varying complexity as
selected by the performer, along with demonstration of the continued correct
and functional operation of the remaining protocol features. PHASE
III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: All third-party or commercial software used by the
military contains extraneous protocol features that unnecessarily widen a
system�s attack surface.� Being able to remove those features without needing
the cooperation of the developer would be a great advantage and drastically
help improve the security posture of such systems.� As a result, expected
transition of these tools could extend to a wide range of government programs
interested in improving the security and performance parameters of their
software environments.� Enterprise IT Management departments would also welcome
the removal of unnecessary protocol features for both security and speed. REFERENCES: 1.
�HbbTV and Security.� 2.
Fingas, Jon. �Exploit attacks your smart TV through over-the-air signals.�
Engadget, 1 April 2017. KEYWORDS:
Protocol Vulnerability; Software Feature Identification and Removal