Temperature Sensing Submarine ISR Buoy / Surface Ship Sensor Tow Cable
Navy STTR 2018.A - Topic N18A-T017 ONR - Mr. Steve Sullivan - [email protected] Opens: January 8, 2018 - Closes: February 7, 2018 (8:00 PM ET)
PROGRAM: NAVSEA 073, Advanced Undersea Technology, submarine ISR buoy
development project, PMS435 OBJECTIVE:
Leverage recent advances in the maturity, availability, and sensitivity of
optical scanning technologies to embed a high fidelity, real-time temperature
measurement capability into tow cables for legacy and for new towed sensors and
arrays, and towed communication devices whose cables span the upper part of the
water column. DESCRIPTION:
Currently, ships and submarines use predictive models in combination with
continuous monitoring of seawater injection temperature (i.e., at a single
depth) supplemented by intermittent bathythermograph measurements whose
fidelity can be influenced by things like uncertain effects of currents
spanning the water column.� A high fidelity, real-time, in-situ measurement of
temperature can be made across the part of the water column spanned by a cable
already in the water.� Compact electro-optical measurement capabilities exist
that can be adapted to make the objective feasible.� Unique challenges exist
for various combinations of platform, operational speed, and sensor array and
communication devices.� In addition, for example, easily modified optical slip
rings do not exist for all candidate applications.� Each potential application
and technology approach offers unique opportunities to incorporate engineering
sensors with which to better account for hydrodynamic effects upon the shape of
tow cable and therefore to better associate a temperature along the cable to a
specific depth in the ocean. PHASE
I: Design a temperature measurement capability expected to be both compatible
with legacy submarine and surface ship sensor and communications systems
employing a tow cable, appropriate to, compatible with, and sized according to
the specific system to which the technology may be integrated, that spans the
application dependent portion of the water column from the ocean surface to the
towed device, up from a submarine or down from a surface ship platform.� Identify
the suite of legacy candidate sensor and communication systems and the unique
integration issues for each.� Analyze and demonstrate that the required
measurement fidelity can be achieved (<5� Celsius error along any 0.5-meter
segment of the tow cable) with measurements that can be updated once each
second.� It is anticipated that in any Phase II OR Phase III application, a
model will be developed to correlate a point to a length along the temperature
sensing fiber to a specific ocean depth.� Identify steps that will be taken in
Phase II to meet the overall device specifications within a specific
application context including what attributes should be included within any new
context to improve either affordability, measurement fidelity, or reliability.�
The Phase I effort should include prototype plans to be developed during Phase
II. PHASE II: Based upon the Phase I design,
deliver a prototype tow cable temperature measurement system suitable to some
specific application context and demonstrate that it delivers the required
measurement accuracy.� It is expected that, if possible, the application
context selected would be one for which there is a transition program sponsor
prepared to invest in a Phase III effort.� The threshold performance objective
for a Phase II application should be +/- 0.5� Celsius accuracy when measured
over a 1-meter span of depth.� It should therefore be anticipated that
classified information regarding the specific system application contexts will
have to be revealed to the selected contractor/university team.� It is probable
that the work under this effort will be classified under Phase II (see
Description section for details).� The level of classification will depend
specifically upon the classification guidance appropriate to the system to
which the temperature measurement capability is integrated as part of a Phase
II effort. PHASE
III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Ruggedize and mature the temperature measurement and
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) buoy capability for a
specific application context of interest to a Navy acquisition sponsor.�
Consider methods to further improve affordability, measurement fidelity, and/or
reliability.� In addition, develop an ISR and communications (COMMS) buoy
system containing various payloads such as COMMS, Automatic Identification
Systems, Electronic Surveillance Measures, and Early Warning receivers, that
allow for pay out and retrieval of cable and buoy system.� The core of the
instrumented cable must contain the necessary fiber, in appropriate modes, to
allow two-way communications.� The technology also has transition potential to
the commercial fishing industry as well as to oceanographic and meteorological
research applications. 1.
Hoffman, Lars, et al., �Applications of Fiber Optic Temperature Measurements,�
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 2007, 13, 4, 363�378, http://www.iiit.kit.edu/publ/eng-2007-4-9.pdf 2.
Liu, Deming, et al., �Temperature Performance of Raman Scattering in a Data
Fiber and its Application in a Distributed Temperature Fiber-optic Sensor,�
Proc. Optical Sensing, Imaging and Manipulation for Biological and Biomedical
Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2000, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12200-009-0023-y KEYWORDS:
Raman Scattering; Temperature; Fiber Optic; Sensing; Hydrodynamics; Acoustic