Real-Time, Effective Measurement of Dehydration Levels in Naval Aircrew
Navy SBIR 2018.2 - Topic N182-114 NAVAIR - Ms. Donna Attick - [email protected] Opens: May 22, 2018 - Closes: June 20, 2018 (8:00 PM ET)
Aircrew Systems OBJECTIVE: Develop technology
that provides real-time, accurate feedback on hydration levels in naval aircrew
to aid in preventing dehydration and subsequent cognitive deficits. DESCRIPTION: The rise of both
the incidence and prevalence of physiological signs and symptoms (termed
�physiological episodes�) that result in termination of a flight has prompted
the naval aviation community to explore new ways of monitoring the health
status of aircrew. Dehydration has been an increasingly high-profile concern in
naval aviation, especially as mission profiles increase in length. The lack of
adequate relief equipment, especially for female aviators [Ref 1], has prompted
both intentional (�tactical�) and unintentional dehydration prior to and during
flight. Additionally, factors in the flight environment, such as heavy
clothing, gear, and radiant heat exposure, contribute significantly to fluid
loss during flight. While not necessarily apparent to the aviator, dehydration
introduces significant cognitive deficits that can negatively impact in-flight
performance and further contribute to physiological episodes [Refs 2, 3, 4] and
is contraindicated by the Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization
(NATOPS) manual [Ref 5]. Therefore, it is believed that a system that measures
and reports real-time aviator hydration levels would be a valuable benefit to
the Navy. PHASE I: Design, develop, and
demonstrate the feasibility of a proposed approach to non-invasively and
accurately measure hydration levels. Demonstrate how the approach accounts for
the challenges inherent to the flight environment, such as motion, humidity,
and temperature. The technology should exit this phase at Technology Readiness
Level (TRL) 3. Produce a plan to develop a Phase II prototype. PHASE II: Develop and
demonstrate a prototype of the measurement device in the relevant environment
(i.e., representative of flight conditions). For example, this can include
human volunteers wearing pilot life support equipment testing in an
environmental chamber that simulates conditions similar to an aircraft in
flight (controlling temperature, humidity, radiant heating) [Ref 5]. It may
also include stand-alone device testing in an environmental chamber. Test and
compare performance of the prototype using methods that simulate various
hydration levels. PHASE III DUAL USE
APPLICATIONS: Transition the developed sensor into a full operational
environment and support integration into the full physiological sensor suite.
Provide support for verification and validation in a flight environment. (Note:
The prototype should exit this phase at TRL 9.) Advances in hydration detection
can have real and valuable benefits to a myriad of industries that involve
working in high-risk or high-endurance environments and could benefit from
real-time monitoring solutions. These industries include commercial aviation,
Police/Fire/EMS communities, mines and steelworks, and athletics. REFERENCES: 1. Anonymous. �To pee, or not
to pee...� Approach: The Naval Safety Center's Aviation Magazine, March 2003,
48(3), p. 29. 2. Flight Safety Foundation.
�Dehydration presents unique risks for pilots�. Human Factors & Aviation
Medicine, July/August 2001, 48(4).� 3. Lindseth, P. D., Lindseth,
G. N., Petros, T. V., Jensen, W. C. and Caspers, J. �Effects of hydration on
cognitive function of pilots�. Military Medicine, 2013, 178(7), p. 792. 4. Nunneley, S. A. and
Stribley, R. F. �Heat and acute dehydration effects on acceleration response in
man�. Journal of Applied Physiology, July 1, 1979, 47(1), pp. 197-200.� 5. Office of the Chief of
Naval Operations. OPNAV Instruction 3710.7U, Chapter 8, 2009.� KEYWORDS: Dehydration;
Physiological Measurement; Naval Aviation; Hydration; Aircrew Performance;
Physiological Episode