TITLE:� Direct to Phase II - Supply Chain Risk Analysis Management Solution (SCRAMS)
Information Systems
Command, Control, and Communications Navy (NC3) Modernized Hybrid Solution;
ACAT III program
OBJECTIVE: Develop an
automated process and software tool to identify specific suppliers and
associated Information and Communications Technology (ICT) components based on
inputs, cues and user-determined parameters.� The software tool will need to
provide the capability to complete a federated search of available government
and internet web-based data and databases, facilitate data discovery, and
perform anomaly detection and have analytical capabilities to recognize risks
(based on user-determined indicators), be scalable, and provide formatting for
export into Microsoft Office products.
DESCRIPTION: The existing
process to identify a specific supplier suspected of providing counterfeit,
gray market or sub-standard ICT components, is through basic electronic
searches of local contract management related folders and files, followed by
extensive paper file-folder reviews.� If the supplier is not a Prime (a
sub-contractor or a sub to a sub or sub to a Lead System Integrator), the
problem set becomes more complex with no additional electronic search
capability.� The necessary data is collected and loaded into at least one
database over the course of the contracting process but is not readily
discoverable nor accessible.� Even if the data were technically accessible,
currently it would only be to a very small select few due to limitations of
roles and data management structure within a database.
The software tool would need to be innovative enough to help map the commercial
supply chain, conduct analysis of and parse out supplier levels (Tiers) and
detect and document supplier relationships across Tiers.� It would require
access across the data management restrictions, but would be tailored to pull
only particular fields relevant to the Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
problem set, providing a more automated, efficient and effective method to meet
the need of data discovery.� The implementation of the software tool would be
that it works in parallel with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems,
monitoring transactions and feeding them back through the software tool for
analysis, through a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), most likely a Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) web service, and allowing for easy user
accessibility. Such a tool could be implemented and success measured in stages.
Each stage adding function and capability as requirements are fully met and
potentially new ones added. The tool could start with a single Navy Systems
Command and be eventually broadened to the entire Department of the Navy
(DoN).� This effort would provide a critical capability that would
significantly contribute to the DON�s ability to respond to threats from the
supply chain and potentially avoid them as well.
PHASE I: For a Direct to
Phase II topic, the government expects that the small business would have
accomplished the following in a Phase I-type effort.� Have developed a concept
for a workable Supply Chain Risk Analysis Management software (SCRAMS)
prototype or design to address at a minimum the basic requirements of the
stated objective above.� The below actions would be required in order to
successfully accomplish Phase I:
- Determination of data types and sets necessary in order to accomplish
- Determine if existing electronic tools or tool-sets can be used or leveraged
in order to meet stated objective.
- Determine if the objective is technically feasible, given restraints of data
access or availability, among other factors.
- Complete a concept of operations and business rules.
- Tested using existing mock data.
- Structure an approach to implementation of tool(s), including scenario-based
implementation and observation using modeling.
- Complete design of tool(s) and validation of analysis.
FEASIBILITY DOCUMENTATION: Offerors interested in participating in Direct to
Phase II must include in their response to this topic Phase I feasibility
documentation that substantiates the scientific and technical merit and Phase I
feasibility described in Phase I above has been met (i.e. the small business
must have performed Phase I-type research and development related to the topic,
but from non-SBIR funding sources) and describe the potential commercialization
applications. The documentation provided must validate that the proposer has
completed development of technology as stated in Phase I above. Documentation
should include all relevant information including, but not limited to:
technical reports, test data, prototype designs/models, and performance
goals/results. Work submitted within the feasibility documentation must have
been substantially performed by the offeror and/or the principal investigator
Read and follow all of the DON SBIR 16.3 Direct to Phase II solicitation
Instructions. Phase I Proposals will NOT be accepted for this solicitation.
PHASE II: The Supply Chain
Risk Analysis Management software tool(s) will be fully developed and
implemented using data provided by the Government, tested, and an analysis of
the results provided to the Government.� Phase II actions are as follows:
- Implementation and analysis of the Phase I-type effort modeling using �real�
data provided by the Government
- Simulation of the tool(s) demonstrating their utility and function
- Analysis of simulations that validates applicability to the SCRM problem set
with regard to the stated objective of this SBIR.
- Completion of a prototype that is fully functional and meets the requirements
as stated in the Phase II Statement of Work.
APPLICATIONS: The Supply Chain Risk Analysis Management software tool(s) will
be transitioned from a PEO C4I based effort to the rest of the PEOs under
SPAWAR SYSCOM cognizance, then to the other SYSCOMs within the DoN.� Ultimately
the tool(s) can be transitioned for use within the rest of the DoD, and be made
available to Industry.� Industry that supports the DoD has the same clear and
present danger from threats within the supply chain as DoD in that it is
relying on the global supply chain. Phase III expected actions are as follows:
- Integrate tool(s) into all PEO C4I supply chain data processes (N-ERP or
- Test tool(s) based on refined requirements from Phase I and II
- Test and complete analysis of tool(s) and determine requirements for
transition to commercialization
- Fully integrate tool(s) into business processes for supply chains of Programs
of Record within PEO C4I
- Expand tool for use throughout DoN and DoD� Private� Sector Commercial
Potential: This tool could be used in any commercial setting where complex supply
chain requirements exist and system configuration, funds availability,
equipment upgrade/replacement schedules are complicating factors (e.g.
utilities, transportation, communication/broadcasting and IT systems and
manufacturing industries).
1. Defense Security Services
Targeting U.S. Technologies Trend Analysis Special Focus Area on Counterfeit
Microelectronics, 2015
2. Committee on Armed
Services, United States Senate Inquiry into Counterfeit Electronic Parts in the
Department of Defense Supply Chain, May, 2012
3. Supply Chain Risk
Management: A Compilation of Best Practices, Supply Chain Risk Leadership
Council, August, 2011
4. NAVSUP Transition to Navy
ERP, Debbie Dortch, Naval Supply Systems Command Corporate Communications,
April 6, 2011.
5. Beyond Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP): The Next Generation Enterprise Resource Planning Environment,
Laura A. Odell,
Institute for Defense Analyses, February, 2012. https://www.ida.org/idamedia/Corporate/Files/Publications/IDA_Documents/ITSD/2015/P-4852.ashx
6. Navy ERP: Where We�ve Been
� Where We�re Going, Beverly Veit, Office of Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
June 2010
KEYWORDS: Supply Chain Risk
Management; SCRM; Program Protection; Anti-Counterfeit; Counterfeit; Grey
Market; N-ERP; NC3; Nova
DoD Notice: Between August 26, 2016 and September 25, 2016 you may talk directly with the Topic Authors (TPOC) to ask technical questions about the topics. Their contact information is listed above. For reasons of competitive fairness, direct communication between proposers and topic authors is not allowed starting September 26, 2016 , when DoD begins accepting proposals for this BAA.
However, proposers may still submit written questions about BAA topics through the DoD's SBIR/STTR Interactive Topic Information System (SITIS), in which the questioner and respondent remain anonymous and all questions and answers are posted electronically for general viewing until the BAA closes. All proposers are advised to monitor SITIS (16.3 Q&A) during the BAA period for questions and answers, and other significant information, relevant to the SBIR 16.3 topic under which they are proposing.
The topics posted here are for quick reference only and may not be the most up to date. The most current versions are on the DoD's SBIR website at www.defensesbirsttr.mil/topics/instructions .
If you have general questions about DoD SBIR program, please contact the DoD SBIR Help Desk at 800-348-0787 or [email protected]