High-Power S-band TR Module
Navy SBIR FY2018.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2018.1
Topic No.: N181-006
Topic Title: High-Power S-band TR Module
Proposal No.: N181-006-0494
Firm: Nuvotronics
7586 Old Peppers Ferry Loop
Radford, Virginia 24141
Contact: Steve Huettner
Phone: (800) 341-2333
Web Site: http://www.nuvotronics.com
Abstract: Nuvotronics will provide a high-performance S-band TR module using low-cost, frequency-appropriate packaging that will meet all required MIL standards for airborne radar. COTS parts will be used where appropriate, critical components will be developed as required. We will leverage past and present work at Nuvotronics that is relevant to power combining, packaging, receiver design and digital interface. Our approach offers a wideband RF front end with provisions for graceful degradation, module health monitoring reconfigurable receiver/exciter and digitalization functions (DREX). New T/R module architectures will be explored in Phase I to provide maximum benefits to reliability (graceful degradation), efficiency and receive dynamic range. Ruggedized construction will meet available footprint and mass requirements.
Benefits: Lower cost, higher efficiency radar integration. High reliability with graceful degradation of power output.
